(a) Each agricultural and industrial fair association desiring to apply for an operation and maintenance grant shall apply to the commissioner before August 1 of the year preceding the fiscal year for which the grant is sought. It shall submit with the application a planned program of operation and maintenance of the proposed fair, the rules and regulations governing the fair, and a certificate signed by the president and secretary of the association certifying that the association will spend for the proposed fair a sum of money from their own funds equal in amount to the benefits requested under this chapter. When satisfied that the association is entitled to receive state aid under the provisions of this chapter, the commissioner shall make a disbursement to the association in the sum to which it is entitled. The commissioner shall pay annually the sum to be paid under the provisions of this chapter.
(b) The commissioner shall require each association receiving state operation and maintenance aid to furnish receipts for money paid to them. The commissioner may prescribe the form of the receipt. Each association shall furnish a statement executed and acknowledged by the president and secretary, covering the disbursements by the association of all operation and maintenance funds, for fairs held under this chapter. The statement must definitely set forth that wherever any state aid money has been disbursed that a like amount of fair association fund money has been expended and that in no instance has the expenditure of state money exceeded the expenditure of fair association money. The association shall make a full report of receipts and expenditures including the sums expended for prizes and awards to the commissioner and this report shall be transmitted to the next legislature.
(c) A sum equal to at least 25 percent of the state operation and maintenance aid received under this chapter shall be used for premiums or transportation cost of exhibits.