(a) A person may not practice chiropractic or use chiropractic core methodology in the state without a license.
(b) A person licensed under this chapter may
(1) analyze, diagnose, or treat the chiropractic condition of a patient by chiropractic core methodology or by ancillary methodology;
(2) accept referrals for chiropractic treatment;
(3) consult on chiropractic matters;
(4) refer patients to other health care professionals;
(5) sign
(A) within the scope of chiropractic practice, certificates of physical examinations for children before they enter school;
(B) reports for excuses from employment and from attendance at school or participation in sports activities; and
(C) authorizations for sick leave;
(6) perform preemployment and workplace health examinations;
(7) provide disability and physical impairment ratings; and
(8) provide retirement health and disability authorizations and recommendations.
(c) A person licensed under this chapter is not authorized to sign affidavits exempting school children from immunization requirements under AS 14.30.125 or to administer or interpret the results of infectious disease tests required by statute or regulation.