The board may revoke or suspend the license of a dental hygienist, or may reprimand, censure, or discipline a licensee, if, after a hearing, the board finds that the licensee
(1) used or knowingly cooperated in deceit, fraud, or intentional misrepresentation to obtain a license or registration;
(2) engaged in deceit, fraud, or intentional misrepresentation in the course of providing or billing for professional services or engaging in professional activities;
(3) advertised professional services in a false or misleading manner;
(4) has been convicted of a felony or other crime that affects the licensee's ability to continue to practice competently and safely;
(5) failed to comply with this chapter, with a regulation adopted under this chapter or under AS 08.36, or with an order of the board;
(6) continued to practice after becoming unfit due to
(A) professional incompetence;
(B) addiction or dependence on alcohol or other drugs that impairs the licensee's ability to practice safely;
(C) physical or mental disability;
(D) failure to keep informed of or use current professional theories and practices;
(7) engaged in lewd or immoral conduct in connection with the delivery of professional service to patients;
(8) performed clinical procedures for compensation without being under the supervision of a licensed dentist.