(a) The board shall
(1) examine applicants and issue certificates to those applicants it finds qualified;
(2) adopt regulations establishing certification and certificate renewal requirements;
(3) issue permits to apprentice direct-entry midwives;
(4) hold hearings and order the disciplinary sanction of a person who violates this chapter or a regulation of the board;
(5) supply forms for applications, licenses, permits, certificates, and other papers and records;
(6) enforce the provisions of this chapter and adopt regulations necessary to make the provisions of this chapter effective;
(7) approve curricula and adopt standards for basic education, training, and apprentice programs;
(8) provide for surveys of the basic direct-entry midwife education programs in the state at the times it considers necessary;
(9) approve education, training, and apprentice programs that meet the requirements of this chapter and of the board, and deny, revoke, or suspend approval of such programs for failure to meet the requirements.
(b) The board may by regulation require that a certified direct-entry midwife undergo a uniform or random period of peer review to ensure the quality of care provided by the certified direct-entry midwife.