(a) A person charged with an offense shall, at that person's first appearance before a judicial officer, be ordered released pending trial on the person's personal recognizance or upon the execution of an unsecured appearance bond in an amount specified by the judicial officer unless the offense is an unclassified felony or class A felony or unless the officer determines that the release of the person will not reasonably assure the appearance of the person as required or will pose a danger to the alleged victim, other persons, or the community. If the offense with which a person is charged is a felony, on motion of the prosecuting attorney, the judicial officer may allow the prosecuting attorney up to 48 hours to demonstrate that release of the person on the person's personal recognizance or upon the execution of an unsecured appearance bond will not reasonably assure the appearance of the person or will pose a danger to the alleged victim, other persons, or the community.
(b) If a judicial officer determines under (a) of this section that the release of a person will not reasonably assure the appearance of the person, or will pose a danger to the alleged victim, other persons, or the community, the judicial officer may
(1) place the person in the custody of a designated person or organization agreeing as a custodian to supervise the person; the court shall, personally and in writing, inform the custodian about the duties required of a custodian, and that failure to report immediately in accordance with the terms of the order that the person released has violated a condition of release may result in the custodian's being held criminally liable under AS 11.56.758 ;
(2) place restrictions on the travel, association, or place of abode of the person during the period of release;
(3) [Repealed, Sec. 8 ch 57 SLA 2006].
(4) require the execution of an appearance bond in a specified amount and the deposit in the registry of the court, in cash or other security, a sum not to exceed 10 percent of the amount of the bond; the deposit to be returned upon the performance of the condition of release;
(5) require the execution of a bail bond with sufficient solvent sureties or the deposit of cash;
(6) require the execution of a performance bond in a specified amount and the deposit in the registry of the court, in cash or other security; the performance bond must be imposed and enforced separately from any appearance bond, and the deposit to be returned upon the performance of the condition of release; or
(7) impose any other condition considered reasonably necessary to assure the defendant's appearance as required and the safety of the alleged victim, other persons, or the community.
(c) In determining the conditions of release under (b) of this section, the judicial officer shall take into account
(1) the nature and circumstances of the offense charged, including the effect of the offense upon the alleged victim;
(2) the weight of the evidence against the person;
(3) the person's family ties;
(4) the person's employment;
(5) the person's financial resources;
(6) the person's character and mental condition;
(7) the length of the person's residence in the community;
(8) the person's record of convictions;
(9) the person's record of appearance at court proceedings;
(10) the flight of the accused to avoid prosecution or the person's failure to appear at court proceedings; and
(11) threats the person has made, and the danger the person poses, to the alleged victim.
(d) A judicial officer authorizing the release of a person under this section shall issue an order containing a statement of the conditions imposed.
(e) The judicial officer shall inform the person of the penalties that may be imposed for a violation of the conditions of release and advise the person that a warrant for the person's arrest will be issued immediately upon a violation or that the person may be arrested without a warrant for a violation of conditions of release as set out in AS 12.25.030 (b).
(f) A person who remains in custody 48 hours after appearing before a judicial officer because of inability to meet the conditions of release shall, upon application, be entitled to have the conditions reviewed by the judicial officer who imposed them. If the judicial officer who imposed the conditions of release is not available, any other judicial officer in the district may review the conditions. If the conditions are not amended and the person remains in custody, the judicial officer shall set out in writing the reasons for requiring the conditions imposed.
(g) A judicial officer who orders the release of a person on a condition specified in (b) of this section may at any time amend the order to impose additional or different conditions of release, or to release the person under (a) of this section.
(h) Information offered or introduced at a hearing before a judicial officer to determine the conditions of release need not conform to the rules governing the admissibility of evidence in a court of law.
(i) The court shall issue written or oral findings to demonstrate why conditions provided under (b)(1) of this section needed to be imposed.
(j) If a person remains in custody after review of conditions by a judicial officer under (f) of this section, a subsequent review of conditions may be held at the request of the person. Unless the prosecuting authority stipulates otherwise or a defendant has been incarcerated for a period equal to the maximum sentence for the most serious charge for which the defendant is being held, a judicial officer may not schedule a bail review hearing under this subsection unless
(1) the person provides to the court and the prosecuting authority a written statement that new information not considered at the previous review will be presented; the statement must include a description of the information and the reason the information was not presented at a previous hearing; in this paragraph, "new information" does not include the inability to post the required bail;
(2) the prosecuting authority has at least 48 hours' notice before the time set for the review requested under this subsection; and
(3) at least seven days have elapsed between the previous review and the time set for the review requested under this subsection.