(a) A criminal justice agency shall
(1) adopt reasonable procedures to ensure that criminal justice information that the agency maintains is accurate and complete;
(2) notify a criminal justice agency known to have received information of a material nature that is inaccurate or incomplete;
(3) provide adequate procedures and facilities to protect criminal justice information from unauthorized access and from accidental or deliberate damage by theft, sabotage, fire, flood, wind, or power failure;
(4) provide procedures for screening, supervising, and disciplining agency personnel in order to minimize the risk of security violations;
(5) provide training for employees working with or having access to criminal justice information;
(6) if maintaining criminal justice information within an automated information system operated by a noncriminal justice agency, develop or approve system operating procedures to comply with this chapter or regulations adopted under this chapter, and monitor the implementation of those procedures to ensure that they are effective; and
(7) maintain, for at least three years, and make available for audit purposes,
(A) records showing the accuracy and completeness of information maintained by the agency in a criminal justice information system; and
(B) records required to be maintained under AS 12.62.160 (c)(4).
(b) The department shall adopt reasonable procedures designed to ensure that information about arrests and criminal charges that is stored in a criminal justice information system can be linked with information about the disposition of those arrests and charges.
(c) Every two years the department shall undertake an audit, and every four years shall obtain an independent audit, of the department's criminal justice information system that serves as the central repository and of a sample of other state and local criminal justice information systems, to verify adherence to the requirements of this chapter and other applicable laws. The department shall provide to the board the final report of each audit.