(a) Except as provided in (e) of this section, an elementary school consists of grades kindergarten through grade eight or any appropriate combination of grades within this range.
(b) A secondary school consists of grades seven through 12 or any appropriate combination of grades within this range. The establishment of one or two grades beyond the 12th grade is optional with the governing body of the school district.
(c) Grades seven through eight, nine, and ten or any appropriate combination of grades within this range may be organized as a junior high school.
(d) This section does not prevent a high school from issuing a diploma to a student who has completed the 12th grade.
(e) In addition to the grades enumerated in (a) of this section, an elementary school consists of a pre-elementary program supervised by the department under AS 14.07.020 (a)(8), operated by the department as a head start program under AS 14.38.010 , or located in a public school for federal funding purposes. Except for a child with a disability who is receiving special education or related services under AS 14.30.180 - 14.30.350, pre-elementary students may not be counted in a school's average daily membership under AS 14.17.