The department shall provide to the legislature by February 15 of each year an annual report regarding the progress of each school and school district toward high academic performance by all students. The report required under this section must include
(1) information described under AS 14.03.120 (d);
(2) the number and percentage of students in each school who pass the examination required under AS 14.03.075 , and the number who pass each section of the examination;
(3) progress of the department
(A) toward implementing the school accountability provisions of AS 14.03.123; and
(B) in assisting high schools to become accredited;
(4) a description of the resources provided to each school and school district for coordinated school improvement activities and staff training in each school and school district;
(5) each school district's and each school's progress in aligning curriculum with state education performance standards;
(6) a description of the efforts by the department to assist a public school that receives a designation of deficient or in crisis;
(7) a description of intervention efforts by each school district and school for students who are not meeting state performance standards;
(8) the number and percentage of turnover in certificated personnel and superintendents;
(9) the number of teachers by district and by school who are teaching outside the teacher's area of endorsement but in areas tested by the high school competency examination.