(a) The fund for the improvement of school performance is created as an account in the general fund. The fund shall be used by the commissioner to make grants to a district located in the state for the purpose of improving school performance. The fund consists of money appropriated by the legislature. The commissioner shall annually determine the amount requested for grants under this section and shall include the amount in the department's budget request.
(b) A governing body, district advisory board, or nonprofit organization located in the state, or a teacher or principal employed by a public school in the state, may apply for a grant of up to $50,000 to improve school performance by submitting an application to the commissioner.
(c) A grant may be awarded to the same grantee in consecutive fiscal years, but may not be awarded to the same grantee for more than two fiscal years within a five-year period.
(d) Grant funds awarded under this section may only be expended to improve the performance of a public school.
(e) In this section, "district" has the meaning given in AS 14.17.990.