(a) The department shall require in the grant agreement that a municipality that is a school district or a regional educational attendance area
(1) agree to construction of a facility of appropriate size and use that meets criteria adopted by the department if the grant is for school construction;
(2) provide reasonable assurance by a means acceptable to the department, that the cost of the project will be uniform with the costs of the most current construction or major maintenance projects, as appropriate, in the area;
(3) agree to limit equipment purchases to that required for the approved project plan submitted under (5) of this subsection and account for all equipment purchased for the project under a fixed asset inventory system approved by the department;
(4) submit project budgets for department approval and agree that the grant amount may, at the discretion of the department, be reduced or increased by amounts equal to the amounts by which contracts vary from the budget amounts approved by the department; and
(5) submit to the department for approval, before award of the contract, a plan for the project that includes educational specifications, final drawings, and contract documents.
(b) The cost of any school construction or major maintenance activity encompassed by the definition of "costs of school construction" under AS 14.11.135 is payable under a grant awarded from the appropriate fund under AS 14.11.015 without regard to whether the costs were incurred before the
(1) award of the grant;
(2) approval of the grant application by the board; or
(3) effective date of an appropriation to the appropriate grant fund for the year in which the grant is funded.
(c) The department, by regulation, may establish the time period in which activities described in (b) of this section must have occurred in order to be paid under a grant.