(a) A school district or a parent of a child with a disability may request a due process hearing on any issue related to identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child, or the provision of a free, appropriate, public education to the child. A request is made by providing written notice to the other party to the hearing. A parent shall make a request for a due process hearing under this section not later than 12 months after the date that the school district provides the parent with written notice of the decision with which the parent disagrees. A school district shall make its request for a due process hearing in accordance with the time limit established by the department by regulation.
(b) If a due process hearing is requested by either a school district or a parent, the school district shall contact the department to request appointment of a hearing officer. The department shall select a hearing officer through a random selection process, from a list maintained by the department under (g) of this section. Within five working days after receipt of the request, the department shall provide to the school district and the parent a notice of appointment, including the name and a statement of qualifications, of the hearing officer that the department determines is available to conduct the hearing.
(c) The school district and the parent each have the right to reject, without stating a reason, one hearing officer appointed under this section. The rejecting party shall notify the department of that rejection in writing within five days after receipt of the department's notice of appointment. If a hearing officer is rejected under this subsection, the department shall, within five working days after receipt of the written rejection, provide a notice of appointment, including the name and a statement of qualifications, of another hearing officer that the department determines is available to conduct the hearing. Each appointment is subject to a right of rejection under this subsection by a party who has not previously rejected an appointment.
(d) After a hearing officer is appointed and the time for rejection under (c) of this section has expired, the hearing officer shall immediately inform the parent and the school district of the availability of the mediation process provided under AS 14.30.194 and encourage use of that process to attempt to resolve the disagreement between the parent and the school district. If the mediation process does not result in settlement of all of the issues, the hearing officer shall conduct a hearing in conformance with the requirements of federal law, including 34 C.F.R. 300.511 - 513. After the hearing is completed, the hearing officer shall issue a written decision that
(1) upholds the school district's decision; or
(2) overturns the school district's decision with specific instructions for modification of the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or provision of the education program by the district.
(e) A hearing officer's decision under this section is final and binding on the school district and parent unless appealed under (f) of this section. Notwithstanding a decision by the hearing officer, a child may not be evaluated, placed, transferred, or compelled to receive special education or related services from the school district until the period for filing an appeal under (f) of this section has expired or, if an appeal is filed, until the appellate review process has been completed.
(f) A hearing officer's decision under this section is a final administrative order, subject to appeal to the superior court for review in the manner provided under AS 44.62.560 .
(g) The department shall maintain a list of qualified hearing officers and shall provide for qualification of hearing officers through a training program that is open to all individuals who meet the criteria set by the department by regulation. The list of qualified hearing officers shall be maintained as a public record.
(h) For purposes of this section, a student with a disability aged 18 - 21 has the same rights and obligations under this section as a parent of a child with a disability.