(a) The agency may
(1) receive and expend public and private funds to carry out the purposes of the agency;
(2) contract with the department and other public or private agencies for the provision of special education or related services;
(3) do whatever is necessary to carry out the purposes of AS 14.30.600 - 14.30.660.
(b) The agency shall
(1) provide special education services including
(A) itinerant outreach services to students who are deaf, deaf-blind, mentally retarded, hearing impaired, blind and visually impaired, orthopedically disabled, health-impaired in other ways, and severely emotionally disturbed, and to students with multiple disabilities;
(B) special education instructional support and training of local school district special education personnel; and
(C) other services appropriate to special education needs;
(2) provide for an annual audit of the agency;
(3) provide the department with a two-year plan of operation including a description of the services to be offered by the agency, the method by which the services will be evaluated, information on the number of students and school district personnel to be served, a schedule of funds available to the agency from all sources, and other information that may be required by the department by regulation;
(4) present an annual budget to the department.