(a) Each governing body shall adopt a written school disciplinary and safety program. The program required under this subsection must include written
(1) standards for student behavior and safety that reflect community standards and that include, at a minimum, basic requirements for respect and honesty; standards required under this paragraph must be developed and periodically reviewed with the collaboration of members of each school, parents, teachers, and other persons responsible for the students at a school; a governing body may require that standards developed under this paragraph be consistent for all schools in an attendance area or the district;
(2) standards relating to when a teacher is authorized to remove a student from the classroom for
(A) failure to follow student behavior and safety standards; or
(B) behavior described under AS 14.30.045 (1) or (2);
(3) procedures for notifying teachers of dangerous students consistent with AS 47.12.310 (b);
(4) standards relating to when a teacher, teacher's assistant, or other person responsible for students is authorized to use reasonable and appropriate force to maintain classroom safety and discipline as described under AS 11.81.430 (a)(2);
(5) policies necessary to comply with provisions of state and federal law, including 20 U.S.C. 1400 - 1482 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act);
(6) standards to address needs of students for whom mental health or substance abuse may be a contributing factor to noncompliance with the school disciplinary and safety program;
(7) policies for implementing a student conflict resolution strategy, including the nonviolent resolution or mediation of conflicts and procedures for reporting and resolving conflicts;
(8) procedures for periodic review and revision of the school disciplinary and safety program.
(b) A school district shall report information relating to school district disciplinary and safety programs as required by the department, including incidents of disruptive or violent behavior.