(a) The president of the University of Alaska may
(1) give general direction to the work of the University of Alaska in all its departments subject to the approval of the Board of Regents;
(2) appoint the deans, heads of departments, professors, assistants, instructors, tutors, and other officers of the University of Alaska to the positions established by the Board of Regents;
(3) establish procedures for receipt, expenditure, and fiscal year reporting of university receipts;
(4) approve a contract between the University of Alaska and an employee that authorizes the employee to conduct research or other development of intellectual property and to develop, operate, or own a business related to or resulting from the research conducted during the employment; a business described under this paragraph may be jointly owned by the employee and the University of Alaska.
(b) The president of the University of Alaska shall separately account for university receipts deposited in the treasury of the university. The annual estimated balance in the account may be used by the legislature to make appropriations to the university to carry out the purposes of this chapter.