(a) The Alaska Aerospace Corporation fund is established in the corporation. The fund consists of appropriations made to the fund by the legislature, and rents, fees, or other money or assets transferred to the fund by the corporation. Amounts deposited in the fund may be pledged to the payment of bonds of the corporation or expended for the purposes of the corporation under AS 14.40.821 - 14.40.990.
(b) The corporation shall have custody of the fund and shall be responsible for its management. The corporation is the fiduciary of the fund under AS 37.10.071 and may invest amounts in the fund in accordance with an investment policy adopted by the corporation. Notwithstanding AS 37.10.010 - 37.10.050, the corporation may make disbursements from the fund in accordance with AS 37.25.050 . Notwithstanding AS 37.05.130 and 37.05.140, the corporation shall report disbursements from the fund annually in accordance with AS 14.40.866(b)(1). An appropriation made to the fund by the legislature shall be transferred from the state treasury to the corporation for deposit in the fund.