(a) A public body or agency of the state may
(1) lend or donate money or property to the corporation;
(2) cooperate with it in the planning, construction, or operation of a project;
(3) transfer to it an interest in property, grant an easement, undertake otherwise authorized construction of facilities adjacent to a project;
(4) furnish or improve otherwise authorized roads, streets, alleys, and sidewalks;
(5) purchase bonds of the corporation;
(6) incur the entire expense of improvements made under this chapter;
(7) agree with the corporation that a certain sum or that no sum shall be paid by the corporation to it instead of taxes;
(8) enter into agreements respecting exercise of the powers granted in AS 14.40.821 - 14.40.990 that shall be approved and executed by the public body or municipality in or adjacent to the project before the project may be constructed; and
(9) in general do all things necessary or convenient to cooperate in the planning, construction, or operation of a project.
(b) Except as required under AS 44.62.310 and 44.62.312, a sale, conveyance, lease, or agreement under this section may be made without appraisal, public notice or advertisement, or bidding. A public body may exercise the powers granted in this section by resolution or ordinance by a majority of the members of the governing body present at the meeting at which it is introduced, and the resolution or ordinance takes effect immediately without publishing or posting.