(a) The application shall state in substance the basis of the belief that a mistake has been made, the particular election precinct or election district for which the recount is to be held, the particular office, proposition, or question for which the recount is to be held, and that the person making the application is a candidate or that the 10 persons making the application are qualified voters. The candidate or persons making the application shall designate by full name and mailing address two persons who shall represent the applicant and be present and assist during the recount. Any person may be named representative, including the candidate or any person signing the application. Applications by 10 qualified voters shall also include the designation of one of the number as chair. The candidate or persons making the application shall sign the application and shall print or type their full name and mailing address.
(b) Candidates, political parties, or organized groups having a direct interest in a recount and who are seeking to protect their interests during a recount may provide, at their own expense, two or more observers to witness the recount.