Before being filed, each petition shall be certified by an affidavit by the person who personally circulated the petition. In determining the sufficiency of the petition, the lieutenant governor may not count subscriptions on petitions not properly certified at the time of filing or corrected before the subscriptions are counted. The affidavit must state in substance
(1) that the person signing the affidavit meets the residency, age, and citizenship qualifications for circulating a petition under AS 15.45.335;
(2) that the person is the only circulator of that petition;
(3) that the signatures were made in the circulator's actual presence;
(4) that, to the best of the circulator's knowledge, the signatures are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be;
(5) that, to the best of the circulator's knowledge, the signatures are of persons who were qualified voters on the date of signature;
(6) that the circulator has not entered into an agreement with a person or organization in violation of AS 15.45.340 (b);
(7) that the circulator has not violated AS 15.45.340 (c) with respect to that petition; and
(8) whether the circulator has received payment or agreed to receive payment for the collection of signatures on the petition, and, if so, the name of each person or organization that has paid or agreed to pay the circulator for collection of signatures on the petition.