The following described area is established as the Copper River Delta Critical Habitat Area:
All public land, tideland, submerged land, and water contained in the following description: Beginning at a point on the south edge of the Copper River Highway right-of-way 200' west of its intersection with the Eyak Trail trailhead; thence southwesterly 200' west of the Eyak Trail and parallel to it approximately 4 miles to the mean high tide line; thence southwesterly along the mean high tide line to Point Whitshed; thence northwesterly along the mean high tide line to a point of intersection at the west edge of Section 21, T16S, R4W, C.R.M. and the mean high tide line at the mouth of Orca Inlet; thence westerly a distance of approximately 3 miles to the northeast tip of Little Mummy Island; thence southwesterly a distance of approximately 4 miles to the intersection of the south edge of Section 33, T16S, R5W, C.R.M. and the mean high tide line; thence along the mean high tide line on the east portion of Hinchinbrook Island, including Boswell Bay to Point Bentinck; thence S.68E. approximately 57 miles to a point of intersection with the protracted boundary line common between R4E and R5E, C.R.M.; thence N.13E. approximately 10 miles to Palm Point; thence northwesterly along the mean high tide line to a point of intersection with the west boundary line of Section 25, T19S, R4E, C.R.M. to a point of intersection with the mean high tide line on the north shore of Softuk Bar; thence northwesterly to Windy Point; thence due east approximately 1.1 miles to the 200 foot contour; thence northerly along the 200 foot contour around Ragged Mountain, easterly and northerly along the eastern shore of Martin and Little Martin lakes to a point 4 miles due south of Bridge No. 227 on the Proposed Bering River Highway; thence north to Bridge No 227; thence westerly along the south edge of the Bering River Highway to its junction with the Copper River Highway; thence, westerly along the south edge of the Copper River Highway to the point beginning; excluding all areas within the Cordova Airport Boundaries.