(a) For each fishery that is not subject to a maximum number of entry permits under AS 16.43.240 and not subject to a moratorium under AS 16.43.225 , the commission shall issue interim-use permits under regulations adopted by the commission to all applicants who can establish their present ability to participate actively in the fishery for which they are making application.
(b) Before the issuance of the maximum number of entry permits for a given fishery, the commission may issue an interim-use permit to an applicant who may later become eligible for an entry permit under AS 16.43.270.
(c) To the extent that the commissioner of fish and game authorizes it under AS 16.05.050 (a)(9), the commission may grant an interim-use permit to a person to engage in the commercial taking from a fishery on an experimental basis.
(d) The sustained yield management and economic health of the following fisheries is severely impaired as a result, among other factors, of too many units of gear participating in the commercial harvest:
(1) Bristol Bay registration area - drift gillnet fishery;
(2) Cook Inlet registration area - drift gillnet fishery;
(3) Prince William Sound registration area - drift gillnet fishery.
(e) [Repealed, Sec. 69 ch 6 SLA 1984].