In AS 16.43.850 - 16.43.895,
(1) "commercial fishing law" means a statute or regulation that regulates the conduct of a person engaged in commercial fishing activities by establishing requirements relating to fishing licenses and permits; catch records and reports; size, nature, quantity, or use of fishing vessels, sites, and gear; time, place, or manner of taking fishery resources; possession, transportation, sale, barter, or waste of fishery resources; or other aspects of commercial fishing;
(2) "commercial fishing permit" means an entry permit or an interim-use permit issued under this chapter;
(3) "commercial salmon fishing privileges" means the privilege of participating in an activity for which a commercial fishing permit to take salmon is required and the privilege of obtaining a commercial fishing permit to take salmon;
(4) "permit holder" includes the holder of a commercial fishing permit as the result of an emergency transfer, an applicant for a commercial fishing permit if the applicant's commercial fishing permit was suspended under AS 16.43.850 - 16.43.895, and a person whose privilege of obtaining a commercial fishing permit for a fishery is suspended under AS 16.43.850 - 16.43.895.