(a) In addition to another birth certificate issued under this chapter, the state registrar shall issue, on request and payment of a fee of $25, a birth certificate representing that the birth of the person named on the certificate is recorded in the office of the registrar. The fee required under this subsection is in addition to a fee required under AS 18.50.330 for a copy of a birth certificate.
(b) The certificate issued under (a) of this section must be in a form consistent with the need to protect the integrity of vital records and must be suitable for display. It may bear the seal of the state and may be signed by the governor.
(c) A certificate issued under (a) of this section has the same status as evidence as an original birth certificate.
(d) The legislature may use the annual estimated balance of the account maintained by the commissioner of administration under AS 37.05.142 to make an appropriation to the Alaska children's trust established under AS 37.14.200 .