(a) A hospital, clinic, or other institution where an induced termination of pregnancy is performed in the state shall submit a report directly to the state registrar within 30 days after the induced termination is completed. The report may not contain the name of the patient whose pregnancy was terminated but must contain the information required by the state registrar in regulations adopted under this section.
(b) When an induced termination of pregnancy is performed by a physician outside of a hospital, clinic, or other institution, the physician shall submit the report required under this section within 30 days after the induced termination of pregnancy is completed.
(c) For purposes of this section,
(1) an induced termination of pregnancy is considered to be performed where the act interrupting the pregnancy is performed even if the resultant expulsion of the product of conception occurs elsewhere;
(2) prescription of a medicine by a physician who knows that the medicine will be taken with the intention of inducing termination of a pregnancy is considered to be the act that interrupts the pregnancy even if the medicine is taken outside of the physician's presence; and
(3) an induced termination of pregnancy is considered to be completed when the product of conception is extracted or expulsed.
(d) The state registrar shall annually prepare a statistical report based on the reports received under this section. The report must include the types of information required under (e) of this section, except that the statistical report may not identify or give information that can be used to identify the name of any physician who performed an induced termination of pregnancy, the name of any facility in which an induced termination of pregnancy occurred, or the name of the municipality or community in which the induced termination of pregnancy occurred. The data gathered from the reports received under this section may only be presented in aggregate statistics, not individually, so that specific individuals may not be identified. After preparation of the annual report, the state registrar shall destroy the reports received under this section.
(e) The state registrar shall adopt regulations to implement this section. The regulations that establish the information that will be required in a report of an induced termination of pregnancy
(1) must require information substantially similar to the information required under the United States Standard Report of Induced Termination of Pregnancy, as published by the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services, in April 1998, as part of DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 98-1117;
(2) must require, if known, whether the unidentified patient requested and received a written copy of the information required to be maintained on the Internet under AS 18.05.032 ; and
(3) may not include provisions that would violate a woman's privacy by requiring the woman's name or any identifying information in the report.