(a) After receiving a request by an adopted person 18 years of age or older for the identity of a biological parent of the person, the state registrar shall provide the person with an uncertified copy of the person's original birth certificate and any change in the biological parent's name or address attached to the certificate.
(b) The state registrar may not disclose the name and address of a biological parent, except as required under (a) of this section or by the court under AS 25.23.150 .
(c) An adopted person 18 years of age or older, or a biological parent, may submit to the state registrar a notice of change of name or address. The state registrar shall attach the information to the original birth certificate of the adopted person.
(d) The state registrar shall disclose to a biological parent, at that parent's request, the most current name and address of an adopted child that appear in the state registrar's adoption files if the child is 18 years of age or older and has requested in writing that the information be disclosed if ever requested by the biological parent.