(a) To the extent not already provided by AS 18.56, the corporation has all powers necessary to carry out the purposes of AS 18.55.010 - 18.55.290, including the power to
(1) sue and be sued;
(2) adopt a seal;
(3) have perpetual succession;
(4) adopt, amend, and repeal bylaws and regulations;
(5) make and execute contracts and other instruments;
(6) in its own name, own, exchange, transfer, lease, rent, convey, or acquire by eminent domain under AS 09.55.240 - 09.55.460, or otherwise, real and personal property; provided that no project site or part of a project site may be acquired by eminent domain until the corporation has secured, through negotiation, options for the purchase of at least 50 percent of the properties included in the site, except in disaster areas; in an eminent domain proceeding the court may, upon motion and after a hearing, fix the time when and the terms upon which the parties in possession are required to surrender possession to the plaintiff; if the court finds that urgent public necessity requires, it may grant the plaintiff possession at any time after the proceeding has been commenced;
(7) provide, subject to the applicable planning, zoning, sanitary, and building laws, ordinances, and regulations for the construction, improvement, alteration, or repair of a housing or public building project or any part of a housing or public building project, and also, subject to the same restrictions, to provide for the construction, improvement, alteration, repair, planning, financing, and interim operation of a sewer or water system, or part of a sewer or water system, to foster, encourage, and permit the development of housing projects by private and public developers and builders;
(8) operate those housing projects and to act as agent or lessee in developing or administering housing projects undertaken by the federal government;
(9) arrange or contract for services, privileges, works, or facilities for or in connection with a housing project or the occupants of a housing project and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in AS 18.55.010 - 18.55.470 or in any other provision of law, include in the contract stipulations that the contractor and subcontractors comply with requirements as to minimum wages and maximum hours of labor, with any conditions that the federal government may have attached to its financial aid of the project, and with any pertinent state law;
(10) establish and revise rent schedules;
(11) insure any real or personal property or operations of the corporation against any risks or hazards;
(12) invest in property or securities in which banks or trust companies may legally invest any money held in reserves or sinking funds or any money not required for immediate disbursement;
(13) purchase its bonds at a price not more than the principal amount of the bonds and accrued interest, all bonds so purchased to be canceled;
(14) investigate and study living and housing conditions and the clearing and reconstructing of slum areas;
(15) arrange or contract for the financing, design, construction, and acquisition of public buildings for lease to the state in accordance with AS 18.55.010 - 18.55.290;
(16) charge to and collect fees from owners or developers of low-income housing for the application for and allocation of federal low-income housing tax credits;
(17) collect and pay reasonable fees and charges in connection with making, purchasing, and servicing its mortgages, loans, notes, bonds, certificates, commitments, and other evidences of indebtedness.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provisions in AS 18.55.010 - 18.55.470,
(1) when the local governing body certifies that an area is in need of a housing project under any of the provisions or powers within AS 18.55.010 - 18.55.470 as a result of the earthquakes of 1964 and all results and aftereffects respecting which the governor of the state has certified the need for disaster assistance, the corporation may plan, undertake, and carry out the project in the disaster area;
(2) with the approval of the local governing body, and immediately after the approval, the corporation may acquire real property for the purposes of AS 18.55.010 - 18.55.470, and demolish and remove any structure on the property, and it may pay all costs related to the acquisition, demolition, or removal, including any administrative or relocation expenses, unless payment of the costs are contrary to applicable federal law or regulation;
(3) for the purposes of this subsection, AS 18.55.130 and 18.55.330 do not apply.
(c) Any two or more authorities may join or cooperate with one another in the exercise of any or all of the power conferred by the housing authorities law for the purpose of financing, planning, undertaking, constructing, or operating a housing project or projects located within the area of operation of one or more of the authorities.
(d) Notwithstanding (a)(7) and (15) of this section, a proposed public building project shall be submitted by the corporation to the legislature for review. The corporation may proceed with the public building project only if it is approved by law. An appropriation does not constitute approval by law for purposes of this subsection.