(a) Employers of state or local public employees, including employees of public schools, shall, in consultation with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, provide continuing education in domestic violence for the public employees who are required by law to report abuse or neglect of children under AS 47.17.020 .
(b) The administrative director of the Alaska Court System shall, in consultation with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, provide continuing education in domestic violence for judicial officers and court clerks who have contact with parties involved in domestic violence.
(c) The Department of Law and other prosecuting authorities in the state shall, in consultation with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, provide continuing education in domestic violence for prosecuting attorneys and other employees who have contact with persons involved in domestic violence.
(d) The continuing education required under (a) - (c) of this section must include information on the following subjects:
(1) the nature, extent, and causes of domestic violence;
(2) procedures designed to promote the safety of the victim and other household members;
(3) resources available to victims and perpetrators of domestic violence; and
(4) the lethality of domestic violence.