Sec. 21.34.030. Workers' compensation insurance.
(a) Workers' compensation insurance may be placed in and written by a nonadmitted insurer if
(1) the director considers it in the best interest of the public and issues an order to that effect;
(2) the insurance is written in accordance with this chapter; and
(3) all conditions established for writing workers' compensation insurance in a nonadmitted market receive compliance.
(b) The rates and rating plans for workers' compensation insurance are subject to AS 21.39. The surplus lines broker is responsible for making the filings required under AS 21.39 and for maintaining the records required in that chapter.
(c) Insurance placed or written in a nonadmitted insurer and the activities of the surplus lines broker relating to that transaction are subject to the applicable provision of this title.
(d) The minimum capital and surplus required is two times that required in AS 21.34.040 (c)(1).