(a) Gross premiums written, less any return premium, for surplus lines insurance are subject to a premium tax as outlined in AS 21.09.210, which shall be collected by the surplus lines broker as specified by the director, in addition to the full amount of the gross premium written by the insurer for the insurance. The tax on any portion of the premium unearned at termination of insurance having been credited by the state to the surplus lines broker shall be returned to the policy holder directly by the surplus lines broker or through the producing broker, if any. The surplus lines broker may not absorb the tax or any part of it, and may not rebate for any reason the tax or any part of it. However, if, under AS 21.09.210 , an admitted insurer is required to collect and pay premium tax on a portion of a subscription policy, the surplus lines broker is not required to collect any amount that would constitute double taxation of that portion of the insurance.
(b) The surplus lines tax is due on the date specified by the director and may be paid by electronic or other means as specified by the director. The tax shall be reported on forms prescribed by the director or, upon the director's order, paid to and reported on forms prescribed by the surplus lines association.
(c) If a surplus lines policy procured through a surplus lines broker covers risks or exposures only partially located or to be performed in this state, the tax payable shall be computed on the portions of the premium properly attributable to the risks or exposures located or to be performed in this state as follows:
(1) if the risk insured is real or personal property, the percentage of the entire tax that is due to this state is the same as the percentage of the entire risk that is located in this state, computed on the same basis as was employed to calculate the insurable value of the risk;
(2) if the risk insured is business operations, general liability, or employee benefits, the percentage of the entire tax that is due to this state is the same as the percentage of the insured business operations or employees that are located in this state.
(d) This section does not apply to insurance of risks of state government or its political subdivision, to an agency of state government or its political subdivision, or to insurance of aircraft primarily engaged in interstate or foreign commerce.
(e) If a multi-state risk has a portion of that risk located within this state, the surplus lines broker shall remit payment of taxes collected in this state in accordance with the provisions of (c) of this section.
(f) A surplus lines broker shall pay to the division a late payment fee of $50 a month plus five percent of the tax due each calendar month or part of a month during which the broker fails to pay the full amount of the tax or a portion of the tax and interest at the rate of one percent of the tax due each calendar month or part of a month for the period the broker fails to pay the tax. The late payment fee, not including interest, may not exceed $250 plus 25 percent of the tax due. The tax payment shall be made in the form required by the director, or a penalty shall be added to the tax equal to 25 percent of the tax due, not to exceed $2,000, with a minimum penalty of $100. In addition to any other penalty provided by law, if the provisions of this section are wilfully violated, a civil penalty may be assessed of not more than $10,000. The director may suspend or revoke the license of a broker that fails to pay its taxes, a penalty, or a late payment fee required under this section.