(a) A health care insurer who provides coverage for dental care may not include in the health care insurance plan or contract a provision that
(1) prohibits a covered person from obtaining dental care services from a dentist of the person's choice, including a specialist;
(2) restricts a covered person's right to receive full information from the person's dentist regarding the care or treatment options that the dentist believes are in the best interests of the person.
(b) A health care insurance plan or contract that provides coverage for dental services that allows the health care insurer to review a treatment plan or conduct a utilization review must contain a provision that a treatment plan review or utilization review relating to dental care for a covered person receiving treatment in this state must be conducted by a dentist if the claim for reimbursement or payment is denied.
(c) A health care insurer may reimburse a covered person at a different rate because of the person's choice of a dentist if the dentist is not a part of the covered person's dental network or preferred provider organization agreement. The covered expense for non-network providers may not be less than that allowed to a network provider, although the covered expense may be reimbursed at a lower percentage or with higher deductibles than if the service had been provided within the network.
(d) A health care insurer may not deny
(1) dental coverage, cancel a health care insurance plan or contract, or otherwise take action against a covered person or a dentist because the person has asserted a right described in this section;
(2) dental coverage or eligibility for dental coverage because the covered person chooses a dentist outside of a preferred provider organization agreement.
(e) A covered person may bring a civil action against a health care insurer to enforce the person's rights under this section if the covered person has exhausted the administrative appeal process.
(f) A dentist who treats a covered person may not waive uncovered dental expenses for which the covered person has liability because a covered person chose the dentist outside of a dental network or a preferred provider organization agreement.
(g) In this section,
(1) "covered expense" means charges that are payable under plan provisions;
(2) "dentist" means a person licensed to practice dentistry;
(3) "preferred provider" means a dental provider who has signed an agreement with a dental care plan to provide services to plan participants at a specific rate.