(a) A health care insurance plan offered, issued for delivery, delivered, or renewed in the group market may not contain a preexisting condition exclusion that
(1) relates to a condition, regardless of cause, for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received more than six months before the enrollment date;
(2) considers genetic information as a condition for which a preexisting condition exclusion may be imposed in absence of a diagnosis of the condition related to the information;
(3) extends for more than 12 months after the enrollment date of a covered individual; or
(4) excludes a condition relating to pregnancy.
(b) A period of a preexisting condition exclusion permissible under (a) of this section must be reduced by the aggregate of periods of creditable coverage, if any, as determined in AS 21.54.120 , applicable to the participant or beneficiary as of the enrollment date. The aggregate of periods of creditable coverage is determined by adding together all periods of creditable coverage before the enrollment date, excluding periods of creditable coverage before a continuous break in coverage of more than 90 days. A waiting period or affiliation period may not be considered in determining the 90-day period. This subsection does not apply if an individual's most recent period of creditable coverage ended on a date more than 90 days before the enrollment date. This subsection does not preclude application of a waiting period to all new enrollees under a health care insurance plan.
(c) A health care insurance plan offered, issued for delivery, delivered, or renewed in this state in the group market may not apply a preexisting condition exclusion to an individual who is (1) a newborn covered under creditable coverage as of the last day of the 30-day period beginning with the date of birth; or (2) adopted or placed for adoption before attaining 18 years of age and who is covered under creditable coverage as of the last day of the 30-day period beginning with the date of adoption or placement for adoption. This subsection does not apply to an individual after the end of the first continuous 90-day period during all of which the individual was not covered under creditable coverage.
(d) A health care insurance plan offered, issued for delivery, delivered, or renewed in this state in the group market may exclude coverage for late enrollees for the greater of 18 months or an 18-month preexisting condition exclusion. If both a waiting period and a preexisting condition exclusion under (a) of this section are applicable to a late enrollee, the combined period may not exceed 18 months from the date the individual enrolls for coverage under a health care insurance plan.