(a) The department shall register unique and special vehicles and vehicles used for special purposes and issue registration plates as provided in this section. Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, registration plates issued under this section remain with the person or organization to whom they are issued when vehicle ownership is transferred or title or interest in the vehicle is assigned, except for plates issued under (b), (h) and (i) of this section. Registration plates issued under this section may not be used on, or transferred to, a vehicle other than the vehicle for which the plates are issued without the approval of the department and payment of any required fees and taxes prescribed in AS 28.10.421 (d), 28.10.431, and 28.10.441. Registration plates issued under this section to which a person is no longer entitled or the transfer of the plates to another vehicle that the department does not approve shall be returned immediately to the department by the person or organization to whom the plates were originally issued.
(b) Historic vehicles. The owner of a historic vehicle may make application for special registration under this subsection. The department, when satisfied that the vehicle meets the requirements for historic vehicle registration under regulations adopted by the commissioner, shall register the vehicle and (1) issue two permanent registration plates of distinctive design and color bearing no date; vehicles qualifying for registration under this paragraph shall be issued registration plates numbered in a separate numerical series beginning with "Historic Vehicle No. 1"; or (2) allow the vehicle to use registration plates of this state supplied by the vehicle owner that correspond to the year the vehicle was manufactured if the vehicle was manufactured 30 or more years before the year of application. Registration plates issued under this subsection remain with the vehicle as long as the vehicle is registered under this subsection.
(c) Special request plates. Upon application by the owner of a motor vehicle, the department shall design and issue registration plates containing a series of not more than six letters or numbers or combination of letters and numbers as requested by the owner. The department may, in its discretion, disapprove the issuance of registration plates under this subsection when the requested symbols are a duplication of an existing registration or when the symbols are considered unacceptable by the department.
(d) Vehicles owned by veterans with disabilities, including persons disabled in the line of duty while serving in the Alaska Territorial Guard, or other persons with disabilities. Upon the request of a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk, as defined in 23 C.F.R. 1235.2, the department shall (1) register one motor vehicle in the name of the person without charge; and (2) issue a specially designed registration plate that displays (A) recognition of the disabled veteran if the applicant's disability originated from the applicant's service with the Alaska Territorial Guard or the armed forces of the United States; (B) the international symbol of accessibility (the wheelchair logo); and (C) if the applicant is a veteran, the Alaska and United States flags and red, white, and blue colors. A person who is not otherwise qualified under this subsection, but who meets the qualifications of a disabled veteran under AS 29.45.030 (i), may register one motor vehicle without charge, and the department shall issue a specially designed registration plate that displays recognition of the disabled veteran that does not display the international symbol of accessibility and does not carry with it special parking privileges. A disabled veteran who otherwise qualifies for a registration plate under this subsection may elect to receive a plate under (p) or (q) of this section for which the person is otherwise qualified that does not display the international symbol of accessibility and does not carry with it special parking privileges. A disabled person who otherwise qualifies for a registration plate under (2)(B) of this subsection may elect to receive a plate under another provision of this section for which the person is otherwise qualified that does not display the international symbol of accessibility and does not carry with it special parking privileges. For purposes of this subsection, proof of disability may be provided by a person licensed as a physician or physician assistant under AS 08.64 or as an advanced nurse practitioner under AS 08.68.
(e) Vehicles owned by the state, municipalities, and charitable organizations of the state. Every certificate of registration and registration plate issued to the state, a municipality, or charitable organization of the state is in effect until the vehicle for which the registration certificate and plate were issued is no longer owned and operated by the state, the municipality, or the charitable organization of the state or until the department, in its discretion, declares its expiration. The state, municipality, or charitable organization of the state shall maintain a current listing of all vehicles registered to it in the order of the registration number assigned to each vehicle, and shall provide a copy of the listing to the department upon request. The listing must include a description of each vehicle and other identifying information required by the department. Registration plates issued under this subsection must be of a distinctive design and numbering system. For the purposes of this subsection, "charitable organization" means a nonprofit association, corporation, society, or other entity organized, incorporated, or headquartered in the state for educational, cultural, scientific, or other charitable purposes, as prescribed in regulations of the department.
(f) Vehicles owned by elected state officials. The department shall issue special registration plates to each incumbent elected state official for display on motor vehicles owned and driven by the official except that the plates may not be displayed on a vehicle that is visually identifiable as a commercial vehicle. The department shall number or design the plates so that registration by an elected state official is indicated upon the plates. The registration plates issued under this subsection may remain on the vehicle only during the official's term of office.
(g) [Repealed, Sec. 9 ch 20 SLA 1990].
(h) Vehicles owned by ranchers, farmers, and dairymen. A vehicle not exceeding an unladen total gross weight of 20,000 pounds, owned by a person deriving the person's primary source of livelihood from the operation of a ranch, farm, or dairy where the person resides full-time, and that is used exclusively to transport (1) the person's own ranch, farm, or dairy products, or greenhouse or nursery products, including vegetables, plants, grass seed, sod, or tree seedlings, to and from the market, or (2) supplies, commodities, or equipment to be used on the person's ranch, farm, or dairy, or in the person's greenhouse or nursery, may be registered under this subsection and may be issued registration plates of a distinctive design or system of numbering.
(i) Amateur mobile radio station vehicles. A validly licensed amateur radio operator who presents satisfactory proof that the owner holds an unexpired Federal Communications Commission amateur radio operator's license of any renewable class, and who presents satisfactory proof that the vehicle contains or carries an amateur radio transmitter and receiving unit of a type applicable to the license class applied for, and who is permitted by law to operate a fixed station, may register one amateur mobile radio station vehicle for each radio license issued by the federal government and may receive for the vehicle distinctive registration plates instead of regular registration plates. The number on the plates must be the radio call sign of the owner.
(j) Vehicles owned by dealers. A state-registered and bonded vehicle dealer may apply for dealer registration plates. A plate issued under this subsection may be used only on dealer-owned vehicles during the routine and normal course of the dealer's business, excluding service vehicles, or for transporting an unregistered vehicle from a port of entry to the dealer's facilities or from one dealer to another or, in the case of a house trailer, from the retail facility to a trailer space. A vehicle permitted to have dealer plates must be affixed with two plates issued under this subsection. If the dealer sells or transfers the vehicle, the dealer plates may be used on the vehicle by the new owner or transferee for a period of not more than five days after the sale or transfer. The department may seize the dealer plates if it has reason to believe that the plates are being used to defeat the purposes of, or are in violation of, this chapter.
(k) [Repealed, Sec. 3 ch 8 SLA 1993].
(l) Vehicles owned by Pearl Harbor survivors, former prisoners of war, Medal of Honor recipients, and relatives of members of the United States armed forces killed in the line of duty. The department, upon receipt of written proof, shall issue without charge special registration plates for one noncommercial motor vehicle to a person who was on active military duty in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, who has been a prisoner of war during a declared war or other conflict, as determined by the Department of Defense under federal regulations, who is the recipient of the Medal of Honor awarded by the President of the United States in the name of the United States Congress, or the spouse, parent, guardian, brother, sister, or dependent of a member of the United States armed forces killed in the line of duty. The design and color of the Pearl Harbor survivor, prisoner of war, Medal of Honor awarded by the President of the United States in the name of the United States Congress recipient, or relative of a member of the United States armed forces killed in the line of duty plates shall be solely within the discretion of the commissioner.
(m) Special request plates for Alaska National Guard personnel. Upon application by the owner of a motor vehicle who presents satisfactory proof of current membership in the Alaska National Guard, the department may design and issue registration plates that identify the vehicle as registered to a member of the Alaska National Guard.
(n) [Repealed, Sec. 9 ch 20 SLA 1990].
(o) Special request university plates. Upon application by the owner of a motor vehicle, the department may design and issue registration plates representing the University of Alaska Anchorage, University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Alaska Southeast, or Prince William Sound Community College. The department may disapprove the issuance of registration plates under this subsection when the requested plates are a duplication of an existing registration.
(p) Vehicles owned by veterans. The department, upon receipt of written proof that the veteran is a sole or joint owner of a motor vehicle, shall issue special registration plates for the motor vehicle to a requesting person who is a veteran or retired veteran of the armed forces of the United States. The commissioner, after consulting with the person in the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs in charge of veterans' affairs, shall determine the design and color of the veteran or retired veteran plates.
(q) Vehicles owned by recipients of the Purple Heart. The department, upon receipt of written proof that the person is the sole or joint owner of a motor vehicle, shall issue special registration plates for the motor vehicle to a requesting person who has received the Purple Heart medal awarded for wounds suffered in action against an armed enemy or as a result of the hostile action of an armed enemy. The commissioner, after consulting with the person in the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs in charge of veterans' affairs, shall determine the design and color of the Purple Heart medal recipient plates.
(r) Special request custom collector plates. Upon application by the owner of a custom collector vehicle, the department may design and issue registration plates appropriate for custom collector vehicles. The department may disapprove the issuance of registration plates under this subsection when the requested plates are a duplication of an existing registration.
(s) Special request dog mushing plates. Upon application by the owner of a motor vehicle, the department may design and issue registration plates representing the sport of dog mushing in the state. The department may disapprove the issuance of registration plates under this subsection when the requested plates are a duplication of an existing registration.
(t) Special request Alaska children's trust plates. Upon application by the owner of a motor vehicle, the department may design and issue registration plates representing the Alaska children's trust under AS 37.14.200 . The department may disapprove the issuance of registration plates under this subsection when the requested plates are a duplication of an existing registration.
(u) Special request plates commemorating the arts. Upon application by the owner of a motor vehicle, the department may issue registration plates commemorating the arts. The commissioner, after consulting with the Alaska State Council on the Arts, shall determine the design and color of plates commemorating the arts. The department may disapprove the issuance of registration plates under this subsection when the requested plates are a duplication of an existing registration.
(v) [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 11 SLA 2002].
(w) Special request plates commemorating Alaska veterans. Upon application by the owner of a motor vehicle, the department may issue registration plates commemorating Alaska veterans. The commissioner shall determine the design and color of plates commemorating Alaska veterans. The department may disapprove the issuance of registration plates under this subsection when the requested plates are a duplication of an existing registration.
(x) Special request plates commemorating and supporting troops. Upon application by the owner of a motor vehicle, the department may issue registration plates commemorating and supporting troops. The commissioner, in consultation with Support Our Troops, Inc., shall determine the design and color of the plates. The department may disapprove the issuance of registration plates under this subsection when the requested plates are a duplication of an existing registration. "Support Our Troops" shall appear at the bottom of the plate and may be alternated with "Support Our Heroes" if Support Our Troops, Inc., approves the use of terms and agrees to be responsible for any costs incurred from lack of sale of plates.
(y) Special request Iditarod race finisher plates. Upon application by the owner of a motor vehicle, the department may design and issue Iditarod race finisher registration plates to a person who has finished the Iditarod race. The owner shall supply written proof, verified by the Iditarod Trail Committee, that the owner has successfully finished the race. The department may disapprove the issuance of registration plates under this subsection when the requested plates are a duplication of an existing registration.