(a) Unless otherwise provided by law,
(1) the fees prescribed in this section shall be paid to the department at the times provided under AS 28.10.108 and 28.10.111; and
(2) an additional fee of $10 shall be added to the registration fee set out in this section for registration not conducted by mail or not conducted at an emissions inspection station or contract office offering vehicle registration services; the department may waive this additional fee for a good cause based on criteria established in regulations adopted by the department.
(b) The biennial registration fees under this subsection are imposed within the following classifications for:
(1) a passenger vehicle, low-speed vehicle, or motor home not used
or maintained for the transportation of persons or property for hire
or for other commercial use .....................................
(2) a pick-up truck or a van not exceeding 10,000 pounds unladen
weight and not registered in the name of a company or business .. $100;
(3) a taxicab ................................................ $160;
(4) a motor bus with a seating capacity for 20 or more persons and
used exclusively for commercial purposes in the transporting of
visitors or tourists ............................................
(5) a motorcycle or a motor-driven cycle ...................... $60;
(6) a trailer not used or maintained for the transportation of
persons or property for hire or for other commercial use, including,
but not limited to, a boat trailer, baggage trailer, box trailer,
utility trailer, house trailer, travel trailer, or a trailer rented or
offered for rent ................................................ $30.
(c) The biennial registration fees under this subsection are imposed and are based upon the actual unladen weight as established by the manufacturer's advertised weight or upon the actual weight, which the owner shall furnish, subject to the approval of the commissioner or the commissioner's representative, for a vehicle, including a low-speed vehicle and a motor vehicle pulling a trailer or semi-trailer, that is registered in the name of a company or business, or is used or maintained for the transportation of passengers for hire, excepting taxicabs and buses under (b) of this section, or for the transportation of property for hire or for other commercial purposes, including a low-speed vehicle, truck, wrecker, tow car, hearse, ambulance, and tractor, as follows:
(1) up to and including 5,000 pounds ......................... $180;
(2) more than 5,000 pounds to and including 12,000 pounds .... $268;
(3) more than 12,000 pounds to and including 18,000 pounds ... $516;
(4) more than 18,000 pounds ................................. $662.
(d) The special registration fees under this subsection are imposed biennially, unless otherwise specified, for
(1) a historic vehicle registered under
(A) AS 28.10.181 (b)(1) and that is driven or moved on a highway for
the primary purpose of historical exhibition or similar activity, one
time only upon initial registration under AS 28.10.181 (b) .... $10;
(B) AS 28.10.181 (b)(2) ........................................ $30
plus the fee required for that vehicle under (b) of this section,
unless the historic vehicle is eligible for the fee described under (C)
of this paragraph; the fee required by this subparagraph shall be
collected only on the first issuance and on the replacement of the
historic plates;
(C) AS 28.10.181 (b)(2) and that is driven or moved on a highway for
the primary purpose of historical exhibition or similar activity, one
time only upon initial registration under AS 28.10.181 (b) .... $10;
(2) special request plates for
(A) Alaska National Guard personnel .......................... $30;
(B) veterans or retired veterans ............................. $30;
(C) recipients of the Purple Heart .......................... none;
(D) owners of custom collector vehicles ...................... $50;
(E) Iditarod race finishers .................................. $50;
(F) other special request plates ............................. $30;
plus the fee required for that vehicle under (b) of this section;
the fee required by this paragraph shall be collected only on the first
issuance and on the replacement of special request plates;
(3) a vehicle owned by a person with a disability and registered
under AS 28.10.181 (d), or by a resident 65 years of age or older who
files a written application for an exemption on a form prescribed by
the department ..................................................
(4) a vehicle owned by the state ............................. none;
(5) a vehicle owned by an elected state official ........... the fee
required for that vehicle under (b), (c), (h), or (i) of this
(6) a vehicle owned by a rancher, farmer, or dairyman and registered
under AS 28.10.181 .................................... $68;
(7) a snowmobile or off-highway vehicle ....................... $10;
(8) an amateur mobile radio station vehicle,
(A) with a transceiver capable of less than 5-band operation
............................................................... the fee
required for that vehicle under (b) or (c) of this section;
(B) in recognition of service to the public a mobile amateur radio
station owned by an amateur with general class or higher license,
provided the station must be satisfactorily proved capable of operating
on at least five bands from 160 through 10 meters, must have an
antenna, and must have a power supply and wiring as a permanent part
of the vehicle; the transmitting unit may be removed from the car for
service or dry storage ....................................... none
for a mobile amateur radio station vehicle included in (b)(1) or
(2) of this section;
(9) dealer registration plates
(A) the initial set of plates ................................ $88;
(B) each subsequent set of plates ............................ $50;
(10) a vehicle owned by a municipality or charitable organization
meeting the requirements of AS 28.10.181 (e) ...................... $10;
(11) a vehicle owned by a Pearl Harbor survivor, a former prisoner
of war, a recipient of the Medal of Honor awarded by the President of
the United States in the name of the United States Congress, or the
spouse, parent, guardian, brother, sister, or dependent of a member of
the United States armed forces killed in the line of duty ....... none;
(12) special request university plates ......................... $50
plus the fee required for that vehicle under (b), (c), (h), or
(i) of this section; the fee required by this paragraph shall be
collected only on the first issuance and on the replacement of special
request plates; the commissioner of administration shall separately
account by university campus designation for the fees received under
this paragraph that the department deposits in the general fund; the
annual estimated balance in the accounts that is in excess of the cost
of issuing special request university plates may be appropriated by the
legislature for the support of programs at each campus;
(13) special request dog mushing plates ........................ $50
plus the fee required for that vehicle under (b), (c), (h), or
(i) of this section; the fee required by this paragraph shall be
collected only on the first issuance and on the replacement of special
request plates; the commissioner of administration shall separately
account for the fees received under this paragraph that the department
deposits in the general fund; notwithstanding (g) of this section, the
annual estimated balance in the account that is in excess of the cost
of issuing special request plates may be appropriated by the
legislature for the support of programs benefiting dog mushing;
(14) special request Alaska children's trust plates ........... $100
plus the fee required for that vehicle under (b), (c), (h), or
(i) of this section; the fee required by this paragraph shall be
collected only on the first issuance and the replacement of special
request plates; the commissioner of administration shall separately
account for the fees received under this paragraph that the department
deposits in the general fund; notwithstanding (g) of this section, the
annual estimated balance in the account that is in excess of the cost
of issuing special request plates may be appropriated by the
legislature into the principal of the Alaska children's trust under AS
(15) special request plates commemorating the arts ............ $150
plus the fee required for that vehicle under (b), (c), (h), or
(i) of this section; the fee required by this paragraph shall be
collected biennially in the same manner as the fee required under (b),
(c), (h), or (i) of this section; the commissioner of administration
shall separately account for the fees received under this paragraph
that the department deposits in the general fund; notwithstanding (g)
of this section, the annual estimated balance in the account that is in
excess of the cost of issuing special request plates may be
appropriated by the legislature for the support of programs benefiting
the arts;
(16) special request plates commemorating Alaska veterans ..... $100
plus a fee of $35 and the fee required for that vehicle under
(b), (c), (h), or (i) of this section; the $100 fee required by this
paragraph shall be collected only on the first issuance of and the
replacement of the commemorative veterans' plates; the $35 fee required
by this paragraph shall be collected biennially in the same manner as
the fee required under (b), (c), (h), or (i) of this section; the
commissioner of administration shall separately account for the fees
received under this paragraph that the department deposits in the
general fund; notwithstanding (g) of this section, the annual estimated
balance in the account that is in excess of the cost of issuing special
request plates may be appropriated by the legislature to the Alaska
veterans' cemetery fund created under AS 37.05.600 and for the support
of programs benefiting Alaska veterans;
(17) special request plates commemorating and supporting troops
.................................................................. $40
plus the fee required for that vehicle under (b), (c), (h), or
(i) of this section; the $40 fee required by this paragraph shall be
collected on issuance and biennial renewal in the same manner as the
fee required under (b), (c), (h), or (i) of this section; the
commissioner of administration shall separately account for the fees
received under this paragraph that the department deposits in the
general fund; notwithstanding (g) of this section, the annual estimated
balance in the account that is in excess of the cost of issuing special
request plates may be appropriated by the legislature to the
organization for which the specialty license plate was purchased for
the benefit of Alaska troops and their families.
(e) A vehicle registered under this section which, by the
removal of seats, a camper unit, a canopy or other equipment, may be
converted into a vehicle on which the registration fee is computed on a
different basis or in a different amount may not be driven or moved
with seats, camper unit, canopy or other equipment removed unless the
other applicable registration fee is paid.
(f) In addition to the fees imposed under (b) and (d) of this
section, the following special biennial registration fee is imposed
upon renewal of registration for a passenger vehicle, motor home,
pick-up truck, or a van with special request Winter Olympics
commemorative plates ............................................. $60.
(g) The fees collected by the department under this section
shall be deposited in the general fund. The Department of
Administration shall separately account for three percent of the fees
collected under this section and deposited in the general fund. The
annual estimated balance in the account may be used by the legislature
to make appropriations for administration of AS 28.10.021 (a) and AS
28.22 (Alaska Mandatory Automobile Insurance Act).
(h) The annual registration fees under this subsection for vehicles, including low-speed vehicles, used for commercial purposes are imposed and are based upon the actual unladen weight as established by the manufacturer's advertised weight or upon the actual weight, which the owner shall furnish, subject to the approval of the commissioner or the commissioner's representative, as follows:
(1) up to and including 5,000 pounds ............ $90;
(2) more than 5,000 pounds to and including 12,000 pounds ............
(3) more than 12,000 pounds to and including 18,000 pounds
............ $258;
(4) more than 18,000 pounds ............ $331.
(i) A one-time registration fee of $20 is imposed upon initial registration for a trailer or semi-trailer used for commercial purposes.