(a) The operator or owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration under AS 28.10.011 when driven on a highway, vehicular way or area, or on other public property in the state, shall be insured under a motor vehicle liability policy that complies with this chapter or a certificate of self-insurance that complies with AS 28.20.400 unless
(1) the motor vehicle is being driven or moved on a highway, vehicular way, or a public parking place in the state that is not connected by a land highway or vehicular way to
(A) the land-connected state highway system, or
(B) a highway or vehicular way with an average daily traffic volume greater than 499; and
(2) the operator has not been cited within the preceding five years for a traffic law violation with a demerit point value of six or more on the point schedule determined under regulations adopted by the department under AS 28.15.221 .
(b) The department shall annually publish a list of areas that meet the requirements of (a)(1) of this section. This list shall be available for public inspection at each office of the department.
(c) In this section, "operator" does not include
(1) an employee who operates, during the course and within the scope of employment, a motor vehicle that is owned or leased by the operator's employer; or
(2) an emergency service volunteer who operates, during the course and within the scope of responding to an emergency, a motor vehicle not owned by the volunteer.