(a) The Local Boundary Commission shall immediately notify the director of elections of its acceptance of an incorporation petition. Within 30 days after notification, the director of elections shall order an election in the proposed municipality to determine whether the voters desire incorporation and, if so, to elect the initial municipal officials. If incorporation is rejected, no officials are elected. The election shall be held not less than 30 or more than 90 days after the date of the election order. The election order must specify the dates during which nomination petitions for election of initial officials may be filed.
(b) A qualified voter who is registered to vote within the proposed municipality at least 30 days before the date of the election order may vote.
(c) Areawide borough powers included in an incorporation petition are considered to be part of the incorporation question. In an election for the incorporation of a second class borough, each nonareawide power to be exercised is placed separately on the ballot. Adoption of a nonareawide power requires a majority of the votes cast on the question, and the vote is limited to the qualified voters who are registered to vote in the proposed borough but outside all cities in the proposed borough.
(d) A home rule charter included in an incorporation petition under AS 29.05.060 (13) is considered to be part of the incorporation question. The home rule charter is adopted if the voters approve incorporation of the city, borough, or unified municipality.
(e) The director of elections shall supervise the election in the general manner prescribed by AS 15 (Election Code). The state shall pay all election costs under this section.
(f) In this section, "qualified voter" has the meaning given in AS 15.60.010 .