In AS 29.35.131 - 29.35.137,
(1) "enhanced 911 equipment" means the equipment dedicated to the operation of, or use in, the establishment, operation, or maintenance of an enhanced 911 system, including customer premises equipment, automatic number identification or automatic location identification controllers and display units, printers, cathode ray tubes, recorders, software, and other essential communication equipment required by the system;
(2) "enhanced 911 service area" means the area within a municipality's jurisdiction that has been designated to receive enhanced 911 service; the designation of an area to receive an enhanced 911 system under AS 29.35.131 (a) does not designate the area as a "service area" for purposes of art. X, sec. 5, Constitution of the State of Alaska;
(3) "enhanced 911 system" means a telephone system consisting of network, database, and enhanced 911 equipment that uses the single three digit number, 911, for reporting a police, fire, medical, or other emergency situation, and that enables the users of a public telephone system to reach a public safety answering point to report emergencies by dialing 911; an enhanced 911 system includes the personnel required to acquire, install, operate, and maintain the system and its facilities and to dispatch the calls generated by the system;
(4) "local exchange access line" means a telephone line that connects a local exchange service customer to the local exchange telephone company switching office and has the capability of reaching local public safety agencies, but does not include a line used by a carrier to provide interexchange services;
(5) "local exchange service" means the transmission of two-way interactive switched voice communications furnished by a local exchange telephone company within a local exchange area, including access to enhanced 911 systems; in this paragraph, "local exchange area" means a geographic area encompassing one or more political subdivisions as described in maps, tariffs, or rate schedules filed with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska, where local exchange rates apply;
(6) "local exchange telephone company" means a telephone utility certificated under AS 42.05 to provide local exchange service;
(7) "municipality" has the meaning given in AS 29.71.800 and includes a public corporation established by a municipality and a village as that term is defined in AS 09.65.070 (e);
(8) "public safety answering point" means a 24-hour local jurisdiction communications facility that receives 911 service calls and directly dispatches emergency response services or that relays calls to the appropriate public or private safety agency;
(9) "wireless telephone" means a telephone that is not a wireline telephone and includes cellular and mobile telephones; each wireless telephone number is considered to be a separate wireless telephone;
(10) "wireless telephone company" means a telephone utility that provides telephone service for wireless telephone customers who receive monthly or periodic bills sent to an address within a designated enhanced 911 service area;
(11) "wireline telephone" means a telephone that uses a local exchange access line.