(a) A third class borough may borrow money and issue negotiable or nonnegotiable bonds or other evidences of indebtedness as provided by AS 29.47.
(b) Areawide exercise of a power by a third class borough other than education and tax assessment and collection is not authorized.
(c) A third class borough may acquire the power to provide for planning, platting, and land use regulation as provided in AS 29.40 for first and second class boroughs, except the power may only be exercised within a service area.
(d) A third class borough may acquire any power not otherwise prohibited by law, except the power may only be exercised within a service area.
(e) A third class borough may by ordinance exercise power necessary to contain, clean up, or prevent a release or threatened release of oil or a hazardous substance, and exercise a power granted to a municipality under AS 46.04, AS 46.08, or AS 46.09, but the power authorized by this subsection may be exercised only on a nonareawide basis. The borough shall exercise its authority under this subsection in a manner that is consistent with a regional master plan prepared by the Department of Environmental Conservation under AS 46.04.210 .