(a) A regional solid waste management authority may be created in one of the following ways:
(1) the governing body of a municipality may, by ordinance, create a regional solid waste management authority as a public corporation of the municipality;
(2) the governing bodies of two or more municipalities may, by substantially identical ordinances adopted by each of the governing bodies, create a regional solid waste management authority as a public corporation of the municipalities.
(b) One or more municipalities may join an authority established under (a)(1) or (2) of this section upon the adoption of substantially identical ordinances by the governing bodies of each affected municipality.
(c) A regional solid waste management authority created under this section is a body corporate and politic and an instrumentality of the municipality or municipalities creating it but has a separate and independent legal existence.
(d) Creation of a regional solid waste management authority under AS 29.35.800 - 29.35.925 is an exercise of a municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction under AS 29.35.020 .
(e) The enabling ordinance by which a regional solid waste management authority is established must specify the powers, boundaries, and limitations of the regional solid waste management authority.
(f) An ordinance creating a regional solid waste management authority must be approved by the voters of the municipality or municipalities participating in the authority for the authority to be established.
(g) Nothing in AS 29.35.800 - 29.35.925 prevents a municipality or municipalities from creating or participating in a public corporation, including a regional solid waste management authority, in any form or manner not prohibited by law. However, AS 29.35.800 - 29.35.925 only apply to and may only be used by a regional solid waste management authority created under this section.