(a) The enabling ordinance creating a regional solid waste management authority must provide for the manner by which a regional solid waste management authority may be dissolved.
(b) If an authority ceases to exist, its assets shall be distributed to each municipality that was participating in the authority on the day before the date of dissolution in proportion to the municipality's contribution to the authority less any outstanding debt or obligation of that municipality to the authority. Any obligation to bondholders then outstanding shall first be satisfied in full.
(c) A municipality that is participating in an authority with one or more other municipalities may withdraw from participation without dissolving the authority. The contributions to the authority made by the withdrawing municipality remain the property of the authority, and the municipality remains liable for obligations under any agreement with the authority or other participating municipalities unless the agreement is changed by the contractual parties. A municipality withdraws from participation in an authority by repealing the ordinance adopted under AS 29.35.805 (a)(2) or (b).