In AS 29.35.800 - 29.35.925, unless the context otherwise requires,
(1) "authority" means a regional solid waste management authority established under AS 29.35.805 ;
(2) "board" means the board of directors of an authority;
(3) "bonds" includes bonds, bond anticipation notes, notes, refunding bonds, or other forms of indebtedness of the authority;
(4) "bylaws" means the guidelines adopted by and amended by the board from time to time under AS 29.35.800 - 29.35.925;
(5) "costs of projects" means all or any part of the aggregate costs determined by an authority to be necessary to finance the construction or acquisition of a project, including, without limitation, the cost of acquiring real property; the cost of constructing buildings and improvements; the cost of financing the project, including, without limitation, interest charges before, during, or after construction or acquisition of the project; costs related to determining the feasibility of, planning, design of, or engineering of the project and, to the extent determined necessary by the authority, administrative expenses; the costs of machinery or equipment to be used in the operation or rehabilitation of a solid waste management facility or operation; and all other costs, charges, fees, and expenses that the authority determines necessary to finance the construction or acquisition;
(6) "land" or "real property" means any interest in real property, including tidal and submerged land, any right appurtenant to the interest, and, without limitation, interests less than full title, such as easements, uses, leases, and licenses;
(7) "project" means a solid waste management facility, and administrative facilities, including property necessary for solid waste management;
(8) "regulation" means a standard of general application or the amendment, supplement, revision, or repeal of a standard adopted by an authority to implement, interpret, or make specific the law enforced or administered by it or to govern its procedure.