(a) Farm use land included in a farm unit and not dedicated or being used for nonfarm purposes shall be assessed on the basis of full and true value for farm use and may not be assessed as if subdivided or used for some other nonfarm purpose. The assessor shall maintain records valuing the land for both full and true value and farm use value. If the land is sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of for uses incompatible with farm use or converted to a use incompatible with farm use by the owner, the owner is liable to pay an amount equal to the additional tax at the current mill levy together with eight percent interest for the preceding seven years, as though the land had not been assessed for farm use purposes. Payment by the owner shall be made to the state to the extent of its reimbursement for revenue loss under (d) of this section for the preceding seven years. The balance of the payment shall be made to the municipality.
(b) An owner of farm use land shall, to secure the assessment under this section, apply to the assessor before May 15 of each year in which the assessment is desired. The application shall be made upon forms prescribed by the state assessor for the use of the local assessor, and must include information that may reasonably be required to determine the entitlement of the applicant. If the land is leased for farm use purposes, the applicant shall furnish to the assessor a copy of the lease bearing the signatures of both lessee and lessor along with the completed application. The applicant shall furnish the assessor a copy of the lease covering the period for which the exemption is requested. This subsection does not apply to a person with an interest in land that is classified by the state for agricultural use or that is restricted by the state for agricultural purposes.
(c) In the event of a crop failure by an act of God the previous year, the owner or lessee may submit an affidavit affirming that 10 percent of gross income for the past three years was from farming.
(d) Subject to legislative appropriations for the purpose, the state shall reimburse a borough or city, as appropriate, for the property tax revenues lost to it by the operation of this section.
(e) All land that is classified by the state for agricultural use or that is restricted by the state for agricultural purposes shall be assessed on the basis of full and true value based upon that restricted use.
(f) This section does not apply to land for which the owner has granted, and has outstanding, a lease or option to buy the surface rights. A property owner wishing to file for farm use classification having no history of farm-related income may submit a declaration of intent at the time of filing the application with the assessor setting out the intended use of the land and the anticipated percentage of income. An applicant using this procedure shall file with the assessor before February 1 of the following year a notarized statement of the percentage of gross income attributable to the land. Failure to make the filing required in this subsection forfeits the exemption.
(g) In this section, "farm use" means the use of land for profit for raising and harvesting crops, for the feeding, breeding, and management of livestock, for dairying, or another agricultural use, or any combination of these. To be farm use land, the owner or lessee must be actively engaged in farming the land, and derive at least 10 percent of yearly gross income from the land.