(a) A municipality, or two or more municipalities jointly, may enter into a lease or other contractual agreement with a trustee, or the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority or a subsidiary of the authority, a subsidiary of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, the state bond committee, or the Alaska Pension Obligation Bond Corporation in connection with the issuance of obligations by a state entity to prepay all or a portion of each participating municipality's share of the accrued actuarial liabilities of retirement systems. Obligations issued for purposes described in this subsection must be secured and payable as provided in the agreement or under an authorizing ordinance. The agreement or ordinance may provide for reserves and for protective covenants.
(b) Amounts paid by a participating municipality in connection with obligations issued by a state entity under this section, together with proceeds of the obligations and interest or earnings, may be pooled into one or more funds or accounts, including one or more debt service funds. The assets in any of the funds or accounts may be pledged to the holders of the obligations.
(c) A municipality may enter into a funds diversion agreement with a state agency regarding payment of money on behalf of the municipality that may be applied to payments under a lease, other agreement, or obligation issued under this section. The funds diversion agreement must provide, subject to any conditions set out in the funds diversion agreement, that all or a portion of the funds otherwise payable to the municipality by the state agency shall be paid directly to the trustee, the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority, or its subsidiary, a subsidiary of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, the state bond committee, or the Alaska Pension Obligation Bond Corporation, to satisfy, in whole or part, the municipality's payments under the lease, other agreement, or obligations. Nothing in this subsection or in a funds diversion agreement entered into under this subsection obligates the state or a state agency to pay any amount to or on behalf of a municipality that the municipality is not otherwise entitled to receive or to make any payments of principal or interest on the obligations.
(d) For purposes of this section, "obligations" means bonds, notes, commercial paper, certificates of participation, or other contractual obligations.