(a) Each appropriation bill authorizing capital expenditures required to be submitted to the legislature in AS 37.07.020 (a) must be accompanied by documents supporting the expenditures for each of the capital projects funds (AS 44.42.080 ). The documents must list, for each project, the (1) project identification number; (2) project title; (3) source of funding; (4) amount expended on the project during the preceding fiscal year, the amount authorized for the current fiscal year, and the amount proposed to be expended during the succeeding fiscal year; (5) estimated start for construction; (6) schedule of bond elections pertaining to the appropriation, including elections previously held. The total appropriation to each capital projects fund must be reflected in the balance sheet of each fund as of June 30 of each fiscal year.
(b) Upon the effective date of each appropriation bill authorizing capital expenditures, the amounts appropriated by the bill for capital outlay shall be paid into the appropriate capital project funds established under AS 44.42.080 .
(c) The balance sheet of each capital projects fund (AS 44.42.080) shall, at the end of each fiscal year, contain the following items so as to reflect the status of each fund and that the appropriations to each fund are not based upon a fiscal year:
(1) cash with treasury - shows a normal debit balance;
(2) bonds authorized and unissued - shows a normal debit balance; these are assets of each fund and shall be sold in accordance with the election date of each authorization; the proceeds are expended on a first-in, first-out basis;
(3) bonds to be authorized - shows a normal debit balance; these shall be reflected in general obligation bond or revenue bond act proposals accompanying each year's capital improvements program revision; the general obligation bond act proposals are to provide funding for the three fiscal years following the general election date;
(4) [Repealed, Sec. 62 ch 14 SLA 1987].
(5) general fund; other - shows a normal debit balance; additional appropriations from the general fund above those required by law for capital outlay;
(6) other funds - shows a normal debit balance; appropriations from other state funds for capital outlay;
(7) federal aid - shows a normal debit balance; includes funds expected to be received from federal sources for capital projects;
(8) expenditures, prior fiscal year - shows a normal credit balance;
(9) encumbrances - shows a normal debit balance;
(10) reserve for encumbrances - shows a normal credit balance;
(11) fund balance - shows a normal zero balance.
(d) The annual financial report of the state must contain the following statements for each capital projects fund:
(1) balance sheet;
(2) analysis of changes in bonds authorized and unissued;
(3) analysis of changes in bonds to be authorized;
(4) analysis of changes in funds to be provided by others;
(5) statement of expenditures and encumbrances compared to appropriations.