The legislature shall consider the governor's proposed comprehensive operating and capital improvements programs, and fiscal plan if it is required under AS 37.07.020 (b), evaluate alternatives to the plans, make program selections among the various alternatives, and determine, subject to available revenues, the level of funding required to support authorized state services. The presiding officer of each house may refer the fiscal plan to one or more committees. If the fiscal plan is referred, the first committee of referral shall hold at least one hearing on it. The operating and capital budgets of each agency shall be separately reviewed. During each regular session of the legislature, legislative review of the governor's supplemental appropriation bills and the governor's budget amendments are governed by the following time limits:
(1) requests by the governor for supplemental appropriations for state agency operating and capital budgets for the current fiscal year may be introduced by the rules committee only through the 15th legislative day;
(2) requests by the governor for budget amendments to state agency budgets for the budget fiscal year may be received and reviewed by the finance committees only through the 30th legislative day.