(a) The department may not authorize the harvest of timber, except for harvests of 10 acres or less or timber salvaged from land cleared for a nonforest use, until a site-specific forest land use plan has been adopted. A forest land use plan is required whether or not a regional or area land use plan under AS 38.04.065 (a) or a forest management plan under AS 41.17.230 has been adopted. The requirements of AS 38.04.065 (b) shall apply to a land use plan adopted under this section only if a regional or area land use plan under AS 38.04.065 (a) or a forest management plan under AS 41.17.230 has not been adopted.
(b) In adopting a forest land use plan, the commissioner shall consider the best available data, including information provided by other agencies.
(c) In adopting a forest land use plan on lands not covered by a forest management plan under AS 41.17.230 , the commissioner shall consider non-timber uses and resources within the sale area.