In AS 38.05.210 - 38.05.235, "labor" includes geological, geochemical, geophysical, and airborne surveys conducted by qualified experts and verified by a detailed report filed in the recording district office in which the claim, leasehold location, or mining lease is located which sets out fully (1) the location of the work performed in relation to the point of discovery and boundaries of the claim, leasehold location, or mining lease, (2) the nature, extent, and cost of it, and (3) the name, address, and professional background of the person conducting the work. The commissioner, by regulation, shall define the nature of acceptable survey work and the qualifications of a person competent to perform this work. The airborne surveys, however, may not be applied as labor for more than two consecutive years or for more than a total of five years on any one mining claim, leasehold location, or mining lease, and each of those surveys shall be nonrepetitive of any previous survey on the same claim, leasehold location, or mining lease.