(a) A political subdivision or public organization may request that its participation agreement be amended. The request may be made only after adoption of a resolution by the legislative body of the political subdivision and approval of the resolution by the person required by law to approve the resolution, or, in the case of a public organization, after adoption of a resolution by the governing body of that public organization. A certified copy of the resolution shall be filed with the administrator. An employer may not award past service to employees added to its participation agreement. When an employer requests to amend its participation agreement to add an elected official, the plan may cover that elected official only if the employer pays compensation to the elected official, for services as an elected official, in the amount of at least $2,001 a month. If a political subdivision or public organization amends its participation agreement so as to terminate coverage of a department, group, or other classification of employees, each employee whose coverage is so terminated, regardless of the employee's employment status at the date of termination, shall be considered fully vested in actuarially adjusted accrued retirement benefits as of the date of termination, unless
(1) the employee's contributions have been refunded; or
(2) the political subdivision or public organization amended its participation agreement to exclude coverage for the affected department, group, or other classification of employees at the written request of a majority of the employees employed in that department, group, or other classification at the time the request was made.
(b) Each employee whose coverage is terminated must, within 60 days after the date of termination, inform the administrator, in writing, whether the employee wishes to obtain a refund or a vested benefit.
(c) Each employee who elects to obtain a refund shall receive a refund of the balance of the employee contribution account. The vesting in accrued benefits for each employee who elects to obtain a refund is voided upon receipt of the refund, and the corresponding credited service may not be reinstated under AS 39.35.095 - 39.35.680. A partial refund may not be allowed under this section.
(d) [Repealed, Sec. 116(a) ch 20 SLA 2007].
(e) [Repealed, Sec. 24 ch 13 SLA 2008].
(f) [Repealed, Sec. 116(a) ch 20 SLA 2007].
(g) [Repealed, Sec. 24 ch 13 SLA 2008].
(h) [Repealed, Sec. 24 ch 13 SLA 2008].
(i) Termination of coverage of a department, group, or other classification of employees does not bar future coverage of that department, group, or classification if the employer is current with payments on amounts due under AS 39.35.625 . If coverage of a department, group, or classification is terminated under (a) of this section and the employer later amends its participation agreement to provide renewed coverage of that department, group, or classification, an affected employee may be credited only with future service.