(a) A political subdivision or public organization participating in the defined contribution retirement plan under AS 39.35.700 - 39.35.990 shall designate the departments, groups, or other classifications of employees eligible to participate in the plan and, by participating, shall legally be presumed to have agreed to make contributions each year in the amounts required for members of the plan under AS 39.35.750 .
(b) If the employer does not participate in the defined benefit retirement plan under AS 39.35.095 - 39.35.680, an employee who is eligible under (a) of this section and who is a member of the defined benefit retirement plan under AS 39.35.095 - 39.35.680 does not accrue credited service or make contributions under that defined benefit retirement plan, but shall be a member of the defined contribution retirement plan under AS 39.35.700 - 39.35.990 and make contributions under that plan.
(c) An employer may request to amend its participation in the plan to add or exclude departments, groups, or other classifications of employees by filing a resolution as provided by AS 39.35.950 or 39.35.955 with the administrator.