In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,
(1) "agency" or "state agency" means a department, office, agency, state board, commission, public corporation, or other organizational unit of or created under the executive branch of the state government; the term does not include the University of Alaska;
(2) "archives" means
(A) the noncurrent records of a state agency or political subdivision of the state preserved, after appraisal, because of their value; also referred to as archival material or archival holdings;
(B) the agency responsible for selecting, preserving, and making available archival material; also referred to as an archival agency; or
(C) the building or part of a building where archival material is located; also referred to as an archival depository;
(3) "department" means the Department of Education and Early Development;
(4) "electronic record" means any information that is recorded in machine readable form;
(5) "local record" means a public record of a city or borough of any class, villages, district, authority, or other political subdivision unless the record is designated or treated as a state record under state law;
(6) "record" means any document, paper, book, letter, drawing, map, plat, photo, photographic file, motion picture film, microfilm, microphotograph, exhibit, magnetic or paper tape, punched card, electronic record, or other document of any other material, regardless of physical form or characteristic, developed or received under law or in connection with the transaction of official business and preserved or appropriate for preservation by an agency or a political subdivision, as evidence of the organization, function, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the state or political subdivision or because of the informational value in them; the term does not include library and museum material developed or acquired and preserved solely for reference, historical, or exhibition purposes, extra copies of documents preserved solely for convenience of reference, or stocks of publications and processed documents;
(7) "records center" means a records depository in the department for the storage and disposition of noncurrent records;
(8) "state record" means a record of a department, office, commission, board, public corporation, or other agency of the state government, including a record of the legislature or a court and any other record designated or treated as a public record under state law.