(a) The commission may adopt regulations, not inconsistent with the law, necessary or proper to exercise its powers and to perform its duties under this chapter.
(b) The commission shall adopt regulations governing practice and procedure, consistent with due process of law, including the conduct of formal and informal investigations, pre-hearing conferences, hearings, and proceedings, and the handling of procedural motions by a single commissioner. The regulations must provide for the hearing or, when a hearing is not required, other consideration of a matter in accordance with AS 42.04.080 . Technical rules of evidence need not apply to investigations, pre-hearing conferences, hearings, and proceedings before the commission. The commission shall provide for representation by out-of-state attorneys substantially in accordance with Rule 81, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure.
(c) The commission, each commissioner, or an employee authorized by the commission may administer oaths, certify to all official acts, and issue subpoenas, subpoenas duces tecum, and other process to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of testimony, records, papers, accounts, and documents in an inquiry, investigation, hearing, or proceeding before the commission in any part of the state. Each commissioner is authorized to issue orders on procedural motions. The commission may petition a court of this state to enforce its subpoenas, subpoenas duces tecum, or other process.