(a) The commission shall at all reasonable times have access to, and may designate any of its employees, agents, or consultants to inspect and examine, the accounts, records, books, maps, inventories, appraisals, valuations, or other reports and documents, kept by public utilities or their affiliated interests, or prepared or kept for them by others, that relate to any contract or transaction between them. The commission may require a public utility or its affiliated interest to file with the commission, copies of any or all of these accounts, records, books, maps, inventories, appraisals, valuations, or other reports and documents.
(b) When participating as a party under AS 42.04.070 (c) or AS 44.23.020(e), the attorney general shall, at all reasonable times, have the right to reasonable access to, and may designate any of the attorney general's employees, agents, or consultants to inspect and examine, the accounts, records, books, maps, inventories, appraisals, valuations, or other reports and documents kept by public utilities that are relevant to the issues presented in any adjudicatory matter before the commission in which the attorney general has appeared as a party under AS 42.04.070 (c) or AS 44.23.020 (e). This access is subject to reasonable notice to all parties with an opportunity to object before the commission. Included under this subsection is access to records or other documents under the custody or control of an affiliated interest of a public utility that relate to any contract or transaction between the public utility and the affiliated interest.